Conferences & public presentations
Request Dr Holly Powell-Jones as a speaker at your event:
Conceptualising and responding to online harms in Youth Digital Culture University of Surrey ‘How do young people construction notions of 'risk' and 'responsibility' online?’ (July 2021)
Tackling Violence, Harassment and Hate Incidents 2021 Universities UK - Panel presentation ‘Pilot study on developing a survey to determine harassment and violence at university’ (March 2021)
Pathways to Tech - Education and Careers Tech Pathways London and GEC Futures panel ‘Gender representation and risks’ (March 2021)
National Hate Crime Awareness Week Panel 2020 City of London ‘Hate crime, hate speech, and perspectives of the law online’ (October 2020)
The Bingham Centre for the Rule of Law Panel Event: ‘What does the rule of law mean for my online life?’ Online media law and how it affects young people’s rights, risks and responsibilities in the digital age (September 2020)
Digital Inclusion Policy and Research Conference (DIPRC 2019) ‘Policy recommendations based on youth perceptions of digital “risk” - Lessons from Online Media Law’ (University of Liverpool in London: June 2019)
Slaying the Trolls: Social Media Use and Abuse: ‘Youth perspectives on law, crime and policing of social media abuse’ (The Open University in Wales, Cardiff: November 2018)
Institute of Communication Ethics Annual Conference: ‘Anti Social Media?’: “Young people’s views of social media misuse’ (The Frontline Club: October 2018)
Cafe Sci Woking: ‘The Legal Risks of Social Media’ (Woking Lightbox: September 2018)
Data Natives conference 2018. Paper Presentation: 'Young people’s perspectives on the risks of social media misuse' (City University of London: April 2018)
UCU Teach Out for International Women's Day 2018. "Social media and feminism" (Northampton Square: March 2018)
Sociology and Social Media: Problems & Prospects (The Sociological Review). Paper presentation: "Social media law and ethics" (Goldsmiths University of London: Dec 2017)
17th Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology (EuroCrim 2017) Panel session: Children, Young People and Social Media: Consent, Criminalisation and Culpability’. Paper presentation: “Digital and social media communications offences: Youth perspectives on risk and responsibility online”. (Cardiff University: Sept 2017)
Feminist Reflections on Law, Society and Care Conference, Women's Bodies as Subjects panel. Paper presentation: “Distributing indecent images: Youth Constructs of Risk and Responsibility” (Manchester Law School, Manchester Metropolitan University: July 2017)
Gender, Sexuality and Digital Culture Symposium. Gender and Sexualities Research Forum, Paper presentation: ‘Youth perspectives on the distribution of digital sexual content’ (City University of London: June 2017)
Turning Research into Action: Knowledge Exchange between Young People, Academic Researchers & Practitioners. Youth Justice Network launch event. Paper presentation: ‘Recommendations for Future Policy-Making and Training: A Case Study of Youth Perspectives on “Risky” Social Media Content’. (University of Westminster: June 2017)
Sussex Crime Research Centre Graduate Conference, ‘Crime, Media and Technology’ panel. Paper presentation: ‘How Do Young People Construct Criminal Risks in Relation to Social Media Content?’ (University of Sussex: May 2016)
The IAFOR International Conference on Education (2017). Paper presentation: ‘Incorporating Young People's Perspectives into Social Media and Cyberbullying Education in Schools’ (Hawaii Convention Center, Honolulu: Jan 2017)
BSA Gender, Crime and Media Conference. Paper presentation: 'Gendered youth perspectives on sexting and revenge porn offences' (Birmingham University: June 2016)
BSA Post-grad conference: ‘Close to Home: Moral dilemmas, ethical practice and complexities of reflexivity in ethnographic research’. Paper and poster presentation on 'The ethics of conducting research in schools' (London School of Economics, June 2016)
LCSS PhD Methodology Conference. Paper presentation on 'Balancing the roles of the Researcher/Tutor' (University of Westminster, June 2016