Request Dr Holly Powell-Jones as a speaker at your event:

  • Conceptualising and responding to online harms in Youth Digital Culture University of Surrey ‘How do young people construction notions of 'risk' and 'responsibility' online?’ (July 2021)

  • Tackling Violence, Harassment and Hate Incidents 2021 Universities UK - Panel presentation ‘Pilot study on developing a survey to determine harassment and violence at university’ (March 2021)

  • Pathways to Tech - Education and Careers Tech Pathways London and GEC Futures panel ‘Gender representation and risks’ (March 2021)

  • National Hate Crime Awareness Week Panel 2020 City of London ‘Hate crime, hate speech, and perspectives of the law online’ (October 2020)

  • The Bingham Centre for the Rule of Law Panel Event: ‘What does the rule of law mean for my online life?’ Online media law and how it affects young people’s rights, risks and responsibilities in the digital age (September 2020)

  • Digital Inclusion Policy and Research Conference (DIPRC 2019) ‘Policy recommendations based on youth perceptions of digital “risk” - Lessons from Online Media Law’ (University of Liverpool in London: June 2019)

  • Slaying the Trolls: Social Media Use and Abuse: ‘Youth perspectives on law, crime and policing of social media abuse’ (The Open University in Wales, Cardiff: November 2018)

  • Institute of Communication Ethics Annual Conference: ‘Anti Social Media?’: “Young people’s views of social media misuse’ (The Frontline Club: October 2018)

  • Cafe Sci Woking:The Legal Risks of Social Media’ (Woking Lightbox: September 2018)

  • Data Natives conference 2018. Paper Presentation: 'Young people’s perspectives on the risks of social media misuse' (City University of London: April 2018)

  • UCU Teach Out for International Women's Day 2018. "Social media and feminism" (Northampton Square: March 2018)

  • Sociology and Social Media: Problems & Prospects (The Sociological Review). Paper presentation: "Social media law and ethics" (Goldsmiths University of London: Dec 2017)

  • 17th Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology (EuroCrim 2017) Panel session: Children, Young People and Social Media: Consent, Criminalisation and Culpability’. Paper presentation: “Digital and social media communications offences: Youth perspectives on risk and responsibility online”. (Cardiff University: Sept 2017)

  • Feminist Reflections on Law, Society and Care Conference, Women's Bodies as Subjects panel. Paper presentation: “Distributing indecent images: Youth Constructs of Risk and Responsibility” (Manchester Law School, Manchester Metropolitan University: July 2017)

  • Gender, Sexuality and Digital Culture Symposium. Gender and Sexualities Research Forum, Paper presentation: ‘Youth perspectives on the distribution of digital sexual content’ (City University of London: June 2017)

  • Turning Research into Action: Knowledge Exchange between Young People, Academic Researchers & Practitioners. Youth Justice Network launch event. Paper presentation: ‘Recommendations for Future Policy-Making and Training: A Case Study of Youth Perspectives on “Risky” Social Media Content’. (University of Westminster: June 2017)

  • Sussex Crime Research Centre Graduate Conference, ‘Crime, Media and Technology’ panel. Paper presentation: ‘How Do Young People Construct Criminal Risks in Relation to Social Media Content?’ (University of Sussex: May 2016)

  • The IAFOR International Conference on Education (2017). Paper presentation: ‘Incorporating Young People's Perspectives into Social Media and Cyberbullying Education in Schools’ (Hawaii Convention Center, Honolulu: Jan 2017)

  • BSA Gender, Crime and Media Conference. Paper presentation: 'Gendered youth perspectives on sexting and revenge porn offences' (Birmingham University: June 2016)

  • BSA Post-grad conference: ‘Close to Home: Moral dilemmas, ethical practice and complexities of reflexivity in ethnographic research’. Paper and poster presentation on 'The ethics of conducting research in schools' (London School of Economics, June 2016)

  • LCSS PhD Methodology Conference. Paper presentation on 'Balancing the roles of the Researcher/Tutor' (University of Westminster, June 2016

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